Group face-to-face interactions

Image credit: Unsplash

Face-to-face interactions are the building blocks of our societies and the recent availability of data has allowed to understand their structural and temporal organization. Complex networks theory proved to be fundamental to model face-to-face interactions and to investigate their impact on various phenomena, from segregation to the spreading of diseases and ideas.

Yet, a pairwise description of face-to-face interactions can overlook the social tendency of humans to interact in groups larger than two individuals. To capture these higher-order interactions we need to go beyond complex networks and rely on more complex structures, such as hypergraphs.

The goal of the project is thus to investigate the higher-order nature of human face-to-face interactions.

Luca Gallo
Luca Gallo
Postdoctoral research fellow

My research focuses on applying network science to studying the structure and dynamics of social systems.